Services > Mail Surveys

Old-school with a new twist.

An example of our optically read survey instruments fielded through the mail.

When it comes to surveys, ShapardResearch is an industry leader. We use the most cutting-edge survey tools and methods to help our clients reach their goals. The latest isn’t always the greatest, however. Sometimes, for example, there’s nothing like a good, old-fashioned mail survey.

For many projects, distributing a paper survey by hand or through the mail is the most efficient and cost-effective approach. Your mail survey will benefit from the same sophisticated, scientific methods we use on every project, ensuring we’ll deliver results with maximum accuracy and relevance to your project’s goals.

Some companies think they’ll save money by conducting their own paper surveys. But to effectively design, distribute, process and analyze a survey is a mountainous task. Whether it’s meant to gauge customer satisfaction, measure employee engagement, or audience satisfaction, you want to make sure your survey is prepared, distributed and analyzed in a way that will maximize its value to your organization.

Not your grandfather’s direct mail.

Using optic scan technology, we’re able to quickly process large volumes of paper surveys. That doesn’t mean your survey will be presented on a complicated strip of paper with tiny text and lots of little dots to scribble in. Our paper surveys are easy to read and easy to complete. Once we deliver you the results, you’ll be glad you turned the project over to the survey experts at ShapardResearch.

Another benefit: we can provide electronic copies of handwritten comments, giving you easy desktop access to what you’d otherwise have to sift through piles of paper. This makes it convenient for you to review the most specific information about the points examined in your survey.

The experts at ShapardResearch understand the variables that contribute to a successful paper survey. Let us do the work for you, and enjoy the confidence that comes from knowing your project will be a success.

Better results, faster.

ShapardResearch can make it happen. Please contact us to learn more.

Let's talk!

Let me help tailor our qualitative research to your unique needs, answer your questions, and show you how cost effective our work can be!

Bill Shapard
+1 (405) 607-4664
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