Here's why Oklahoma City is perfect for market research.

Geographically or demographically, you can't be more middle America than Oklahoma City or the state of Oklahoma in key personal, lifestyle and retail statistics. Typically, market researchers need to test their products or services among a demographically balanced group or a group at or toward the top of the bell curve. Here's how Oklahoma ranks in the "middle" among the nation:[list][list_item icon="ok"] 27th of 50: Average household size[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 28th of 50: Personal income[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 29th of 50: Pct. of households that are married-couple families[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 21st of 50: Pct. of households with 1+ people 65+[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 27th of 50: Pct. of HHs with 1+ people 18 or younger[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 33rd of 50: Total tax burden per capita[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 36th of 50: Pct. with a high school diploma+[/list_item][/list][gap height="20"]From a retail perspective, Oklahoma is middle America as well:[list][list_item icon="ok"] 27th of 50: Number of shopping malls[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 28th of 50: Estimated sales of shopping malls[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 23rd of 50: Estimated sales of shopping malls per capita[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 28th of 50: Number of restaurants per capita[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 23rd of 50: Number of retail Rx drug stores per capita[/list_item][/list][gap height="20"]For many consumer product companies, Wal-Mart is a key retailer and Oklahoma scores well with Wal-Mart, which has its headquarters just across the stateline in northwest Arkansas:[list][list_item icon="ok"] 5th in number of Wal-Mart Super Centers per capita[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] 5th in number of Wal-Mart Discount Stores (traditional store without grocery) per capita[/list_item][/list][gap height="20"]Needing to find and test for potential new markets? Oklahoma City is also booming:[list][list_item icon="ok"] Top 10 for Best Big Cities for Jobs[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] Ranked No. 1 for Highest Annual Earnings Growth Rate [/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] Ranked No. 3 for Small Business[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] Top 5 for Personal Income Gains[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] Ranked No. 3 in the nation in percentage increase in retail jobs[/list_item][list_item icon="ok"] Ranked No. 7 in the nation for private-job growth between 2010 and 2011[/list_item][/list][gap height="20"]ShapardResearch is the state's premier market research with the largest fieldwork staff in the state. Call or email us when you're ready to start your next research project in Oklahoma: (405) 607-4664.[gap height="10"]For additional information about the Oklahoma City boom, click here for the Alliance for Economic Development of Oklahoma City